Life-threatening situations occur
A significant proportion of children with cancer must be able to rely on the thoracic surgeon and pediatric cardio-anesthesiologist as a matter of urgency because of tumors in the chest cavity, an underlying condition or as a result of cancer treatment. However it may seem easy to organize this in cooperation with a center outside of Utrecht, this is an incorrect starting point. It will create life-threatening situations for children being treated for cancer.
Ensuring good integrated care
The concentration of pediatric oncology has been made possible by setting up integrated (chain) care consisting of a very extensive team of medical specialists in Utrecht. The pediatric cardiac surgeon and pediatric cardio-anesthesiologist are an essential part of this. Emergency indications requiring this cardio thoracic team occur on average every week.
The Dutch Childhood Cancer Association (VKKN), the patient association for anyone who has (had) to deal with child cancer, also has serious concerns about the proposed decision to no longer concentrate pediatric cardiac surgery in Utrecht. Read more.