Heidelberglaan 25
Chamber of Commerce number: 54327946
VAT number: NL851260846B01
Invoices follow the order flow. In this process, please adhere to the details as specified in the purchase order.
The purchase order number/contract number must be mentioned on the invoice; otherwise, the invoice cannot be processed.
Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology B.V.
Postbus 113
3720 AC Bilthoven
Per email: crediteuren@prinsesmaximacentrum.nl
For questions regarding financial information, please contact crediteuren@prinsesmaximacentrum.nl
We adhere to the following house rules; please explicitly follow them.
These rules are established because the Princess Máxima Center places great importance on the safety of parents and children (Patients), visitors, employees, third parties, and environmental care.
Recall and Safety Notifications should be emailed to recall@prinsesmaximacentrum.nl immediately upon discovery of the defect.
Should there still be an urgent question after emailing, the Purchasing Department can be called during office hours at +31 88 972 51 85
We would like to inform you that the Princess Máxima Center expressly rejects all suppliers' delivery, payment, and other general terms and conditions and uses the following purchase conditions unless otherwise contractually agreed:
AIVG 2022 General
AIVG 2022 Module ICT
AIVG 2017 Module PNIL (only available in Dutch)